Imperialism, the „Global Economy“ and Labor Reformism – A Spartacist Pamphlet
Die ICL hat 1999 als „Spartacist Pamphlet“ eine 32-seitige Broschüre herausgegeben, in der sie sich mit der „Globalisierung“ als Beschreibung der Veränderungen der Weltwirtschaft und vor allem als bürgerliche Ideologie auseinandergesetzt hat, vr allem auch als Polemik gegen David North’s International Committee of the Fourth International. Hier ein längeres Zitat aus der Einleitung:
With the destruction of the Soviet Union and proclaimed „death of communism,“ the bourgeoisie envisages a return to an idealized version of the pre-1914 capitalist imperialist order. This was an era in which the European powers, the United States and Japan exercised direct colonial rule over tens of millions of toilers throughout the globe. The now-fashionable term „globalization“ is not simply descriptive of certain quantitative changes in the world economy over the past few decades—greater integration of financial markets, the growth of internationally competitive manufacturers in East Asia and parts of Latin America—but has become a new form of bourgeois ideology. It projects a world in which capitalist property „rights,“ whether in New York or New Delhi, are no longer threatened by social revolution, national liberation struggles or interimperialist war.
At the same time, the labor bureaucracy in North America, West Europe and Japan has embraced the doctrine of „globalization“ to justify its betrayal of the workers‘ interests. We are now powerless, they contend, before the forces of the world capitalist market to prevent cuts in wages and benefits and the dismantling of the „welfare state.“
The material in this pamphlet assesses the changes in the world economy, mislabeled „globalization,“ in a broad historical perspective from the origins of modern imperialism in the late 19th century through the capitalist counterrevolution in East Europe and the former USSR and its aftermath. In this context, it points to the limits and reversibility of the movement of capital from advanced imperialist states to backward neocolonial countries. So-called multinational or transnational firms do not operate above or independently of the nation-state system. Rather they are vitally dependent on their own bourgeois national states to protect their investments abroad from popular opposition and rival capitalist states. Hence, imperialist states must maintain strong military forces and a corresponding domestic industrial base. …
The reversibility of „globalization“ was clearly demonstrated by the 1997-98 financial/economic crisis in East Asia and the resulting political turbulence, especially in Indonesia. There was a massive outflow of money capital from the East Asian „tigers“ back to Wall Street, the City of London, Frankfurt and Tokyo. During the popular protests which toppled the right-wing, U.S.-backed dictator Suharto in Indonesia, Western and Japanese corporations and also the International Monetary Fund shut down their operations in Jakarta and evacuated their staffs to safer environs. Since then, the imperialists have tried to cobble together a new government by supervising elections intended to prevent an outbreak of revolutionary turmoil and have used the economic distress of the country and favorable trading terms to further chain the Indonesian bourgeoisie to the centers of finance capital.
„The ‚Global Economy‘ and Labor Reformism“ was written as a polemic against David North’s International Committee of the Fourth International. Despite their Marxist and Trotskyist pretensions, the Northites view „globalization“ in identical terms as the „neoliberal“ bourgeois ideologues and the reformist labor bureaucrats. Their assertion that the structure of world capitalism has undergone a qualitative change serves to justify a thoroughly defeatist attitude toward all struggles of the exploited and oppressed, from trade-union struggles in North America and West Europe to national-liberation struggles in neocolonial countries like Mexico to the defense of the Chinese deformed workers state against looming capitalist counterrevolution.
„Imperialist Rivalries Heat Up“ is an edited version of a presentation given by comrade Joseph Seymour at a 1998 conference of the International Communist League. Its conclusion emphasizes that the struggle for revolutionary Marxist leadership of the working class is hardly limited to opposing the neoliberal advocates of unrestricted global capital markets. We must also no less strenuously combat the rising tide of chauvinist reaction, from the growth of fascism in West Europe to ascendant religious fundamentalism in the Near East and much of Asia (e.g., India). The liberation of the workers, peasants and other toilers from exploitation, poverty and social degradation can be achieved only through proletarian revolutions in both the imperialist centers and neocolonial (Third World) countries, thereby laying the basis for an internationally planned socialist world economy.
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