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Islands Finanz“terror“ erbost Gordon Brown

10. Oktober 2008

Der Zusammenbruch des isländischen Bankwesen zieht Kreise in Großbritannien:

Gordon Brown last night branded Iceland’s failure to guarantee British savings in its failed banks as „totally unacceptable and illegal“, amid warnings that more than 100 local councils, police authorities and fire services have up to £1bn lost in its bankrupted system.
Charities, including children’s hospices, warned they were at risk of losing £25m.
In unusually aggressive terms, the prime minister said he was willing to use anti-terrorism legislation to freeze the assets of other Icelandic companies operating in Britain in an effort to recoup the lost money. The extent of the potential difficulties for councils and other bodies began to emerge yesterday as more and more said they had invested money in Iceland’s high-yielding savers‘ accounts.

zitiert nach dem Londoner Guardian vom 10.10.2008
Hierzu ein wirklich konsequent antiimperialistischer Kommentar eines britschen Trotzkisten:

Yes, defend Iceland agains the imperialist bullies. We supported Iceland in the cod wars years ago and certainly should support them against the imperialist bullies today. After all Icelandic banks were just following the speculative fashion of the time, that fashion that led Gordon Brown to say that there would be no return to boom and bust. Fishing is much less profitable these days, we should be concerned about the Icelandic working class.

aus der USENET-Gruppe alt.politics.socialism.trotsky

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